To be a commercial butcher, you need more than just a desire to provide superior cuts of meat and excellent customer service. You need an impeccable work ethic. You also need the finest quality equipment that you can get your hands on. In fact, it’s easy to forget just how essential the equipment is; you can be the most passionate butcher in the world, but if you don’t have the right tools, you’re always going to struggle to maintain quality and efficiency.
This is why, when you start making plans to open your first butchery, getting the right equipment should be a top priority. You need culinary tools and devices that are robust, easy to clean, and capable of working at the speed you need. Where possible, invest in mincing and grinding machines with detachable parts, because they are more hygienic.
This guide to some of the most essential tools for your first butchery will help you get started.

This piece of equipment is the fastest and safest way to mince up meat. You need to look for a machine that has a stainless steel worm and cylinder, because this will make it easy to clean. Hygiene is absolutely paramount when it comes to handling raw meat, so invest in tools that don’t overcomplicate cleaning.
No butcher is complete without great sausages, so choose a machine that can help you keep pace and keep customers happy. A good sausage filler is easy to use, comes with few unnecessary features, and doesn’t make minced meat of your bangers. Stainless steel is the most hygiene and durable material for this kind of device, so don’t be afraid to spend a little more for a higher quality product.
To ensure that customers always get a fair deal, you need a commercial food scale; preferably a large one, if you’re handling heavy cuts of meat. The digital products are superior because they’re more sensitive and, therefore, more accurate. They will allow you to determine the weight/cost ratio quickly and accurately.
Though it might save you a few pennies, a professional butcher shouldn’t really be cutting meat on anything but a specially designed butcher block and stand. These tools have been created, in every way, to suit the task at hand. They increase safety, hygiene, and efficiency. Invest in a block and stand with a tough coated surface. It will reduce wear and tear and extend the lifespan of your equipment.
If you want to sell cured or cooked meat, it is a good idea to install a reliable meat slicing machine in your shop. You could cut products by hand, but this takes a long time and it isn’t very accurate. With a machine, you can make sure that customers are getting a fair amount for their money. Also, you’re not putting your fingers at risk trying to hurriedly cut cured meats to fulfil the demands of waiting customers.